When I read the Oct & Nov 2011 WT articles on 607. One extra tiny paragraph said (paraphrased) 'There are business tablets with dates on them (moon/ a star/ who is ruling) from the Babylonians for almost every day. If you go by the business tablets, Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BCE"
I thought, "Damn! Why does the Society bring up these stupid stone tablets from hundreds of years later, and say "oh, they are cracked, and can we be sure? and let's go by what the Bible says" when the Bible has NO dates, and the only way you get 'dates' is by using historical items.
Here are these business receipts, day to day receipts from THE DAYS OF THE BABYLONIANS.
607 = wrong
1914 = wrong.
1919 = wrong
Society = a liar and numerologists. They manipulate numbers to say what they want them to say.
I had no loyalty, no love, no nothing left. Everything was black and white. Gone.